Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Power of We: Red Tape Movement
My name is Prabhat Misra; I am in
government job as an officer in the district Etawah [U.P., India ]. I am also running a
peaceful and non-violent movement to save trees and bio-diversity, named
"RED TAPE MOVEMENT", in Etawah. This movement was started by me on
5th June, 2008. Under this movement, especially on a holiday, we choose a
village and go to this village and do plantation and then tie red tapes on
existing trees trunks, with the help of villagers and there, we give them
message that to cut the trees is lethal for our future and generations to come.
I started this movement with the help of a local N.G.O. named “Swami Vivekanand
Sewa Sansthan”, Etawah. Initially, we faced the problem of co-operation at grass
root level. Later, with continuous awareness campaign, regarding the importance
of trees and bio-diversity and dangers of Climate Change, at grass root level,
especially with villagers, positively changed the co-operation. Till now, we
have tied Red Tapes on about 10,000 trees trunks with the help of villagers.
Red Tape Movement has now taken a big shape, from few peoples to many peoples
co-operation, in the form of “Peoples Participation Movement”. Red Tape
Movement has also been the part of several actions such as Earth Day, Earth
Hour,’s Connect the Dots and many more days of action. Such people’s
participation movements are the need of the hour to save our biodiversity and
My experience about this movement
is very positive and energetic. We are living in a world which is under
“transition and transformation phase” of energy and facing the problem of
Climate Change. So, we must develop a better and natural “GHG Sink system” to
achieve 350 ppm CO2 level in the atmosphere. Trees are “Best Natural Sinks” of
CO2 and will be helpful to tackle with Climate Change. World Community should
keep one fundamental rule, while making any planning, that, “United We” can
save earth from Climate Change, through such peoples participatory grass root
level awareness movements. This is MUST to save our beautiful Earth from
Climate Change for our future generations to come. Red Tape movement is
now spreading fast at grass root level and peoples are supporting our move to
protect and save trees and bio-diversity.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Earth Hour in Etawah- 2012

On Earth Hour Day, we will organize Earth Hour in block Mahewa. The event will be organised in a ravine forest village named, "Aasayi" [Block- Mahewa, District- Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, India]. This development block is the FIRST DEVELOPMENT BLOCK of INDIA. Currently, i have the additional charge of B.D.O. [ Block Development Officer ] of Mahewa. On this day, we will tie the RED TAPES on trees trunks, through RED TAPE MOVEMENT, to give the message that to cut trees is DANGEROUS to the survival of life on this BLUE PLANET. RED TAPE MOVEMENT is run and was started by me to save trees and biodiversity, in Etawah. We will pursue grass root level people to switch off their bulbs, between the period of 8.30 P.M. to 9.30 P.M. on 31/03/2012.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Moving Planet - September 24th, 2011: A Day to Move Beyond Fossil Fuels
MOVE to SAVE; Join Red Tape Movement at on 24th Sept. 2011.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Appreciation from British Embassies
British Embassies of Guatemala City and Ukraine appreciated our work on Earth Hour on 24th March 2011. We are thankful to British Embassies of Guatemala City and Ukraine and their respective respected Ambassadors for the appreciation and also thankful to our savings agents and peoples of Ekdil town area. My special thanks to respected Mr. Vijyendra Pandian, I.A.S., Dr. Rajeev Chauhan, Environmentalist and Mr. Sanjay Saxena, Press Reporter for active participation.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Earth Hour News: A message from our Global Ambassador Miranda Kerr
Earth Hour News: A message from our Global Ambassador Miranda Kerr: "I am pleased to have been asked to be the global ambassador for Earth Hour 2011. Each of us has a responsibility for the sustainability of..."
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
WWF’s Earth Hour is a global campaign inspiring governments, businesses, communities and individuals to take a stand against climate change. It is the largest environment campaign in the history of our planet, successfully uniting the world towards taking collective action by switching off non essential lights for one hour in celebration of our planet.
Earth Hour was launched in Sydney, Australia in 2007, where 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour. Just a year later, Earth Hour reached 370 cities and towns in more than 35 countries across 18 time zones, and the campaign shifted from a ‘Sydney Event’ to a ‘Global Sustainability Movement’. Since then, every year Earth Hour sets new standards and breaks its own records on mass participation and support. 2010 received participation from a record 1.3 billion individuals across 4616 cities in 128 countries globally. Notable landmarks like Acropolis in Greece, Eiffel Tower in Paris, Hiroshima Peace Gardens in Japan, and Pyramids in Egypt switched off in support.
Earth Hour in India
India joined the Earth Hour movement in 2009, where 5 million Indians across 56 cities showed their support by switching off non essential lights and saving approximately 1000 MW of power in that one hour. Hundreds on educational institutions, 100 top public and private sector organizations, and governments of various cities participated.
With support from all sections of the society, industry and government, Earth Hour in India reached new heights, with 2010 receiving participation from 6 million Indian across 128 cities. 600,000 students from different institutions and cities volunteered to spread the message of earth hour and increase outreach. 120 top private and public organizations participated. Well known buildings in 125 cities, banks, local cafes, official residence of Chief Ministers, nation’s defence institutions like Indian Military Academy switched off in support.
Recognizing the success and impact of the campaign, Earth Hour was nominated for NDTV Greenies Awards 2010. It also bagged the ‘WOW Paradigm of the Year’ award for the best social campaign.
Earth Hour 2011
Earth Hour continues to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to show leadership and be responsible for our future. At 8:30 PM on 26 March 2011, the world will come together once again to switch off for an hour. But this year, we aim to move beyond symbolism. We call for your action to sustain commitments and responsible actions beyond the hour. With your support, we hope to make Earth Hour a self- perpetuating drive that inspires us to correct the way we live, every single day.
So SWITCH OFF for one hour
SWITCH ON a low carbon lifestyle
Together our actions add up
Earth Hour 2011 provides a platform:
•For Individuals to take initiatives that benefit the environment.
•For Organizations to demonstrate responsible action and announce their commitment to reduce their impact on the environment.
•For Governments to show leadership on environmental issues.
Your support has made earth hour the largest global campaign in the history of the planet. There is no better example of the impact of collective human power and what we can achieve if we unite for a cause. It is time we take our actions forward, and commit to greater change.
Source- Earth Hour
Earth Hour was launched in Sydney, Australia in 2007, where 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour. Just a year later, Earth Hour reached 370 cities and towns in more than 35 countries across 18 time zones, and the campaign shifted from a ‘Sydney Event’ to a ‘Global Sustainability Movement’. Since then, every year Earth Hour sets new standards and breaks its own records on mass participation and support. 2010 received participation from a record 1.3 billion individuals across 4616 cities in 128 countries globally. Notable landmarks like Acropolis in Greece, Eiffel Tower in Paris, Hiroshima Peace Gardens in Japan, and Pyramids in Egypt switched off in support.
Earth Hour in India
India joined the Earth Hour movement in 2009, where 5 million Indians across 56 cities showed their support by switching off non essential lights and saving approximately 1000 MW of power in that one hour. Hundreds on educational institutions, 100 top public and private sector organizations, and governments of various cities participated.
With support from all sections of the society, industry and government, Earth Hour in India reached new heights, with 2010 receiving participation from 6 million Indian across 128 cities. 600,000 students from different institutions and cities volunteered to spread the message of earth hour and increase outreach. 120 top private and public organizations participated. Well known buildings in 125 cities, banks, local cafes, official residence of Chief Ministers, nation’s defence institutions like Indian Military Academy switched off in support.
Recognizing the success and impact of the campaign, Earth Hour was nominated for NDTV Greenies Awards 2010. It also bagged the ‘WOW Paradigm of the Year’ award for the best social campaign.
Earth Hour 2011
Earth Hour continues to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to show leadership and be responsible for our future. At 8:30 PM on 26 March 2011, the world will come together once again to switch off for an hour. But this year, we aim to move beyond symbolism. We call for your action to sustain commitments and responsible actions beyond the hour. With your support, we hope to make Earth Hour a self- perpetuating drive that inspires us to correct the way we live, every single day.
So SWITCH OFF for one hour
SWITCH ON a low carbon lifestyle
Together our actions add up
Earth Hour 2011 provides a platform:
•For Individuals to take initiatives that benefit the environment.
•For Organizations to demonstrate responsible action and announce their commitment to reduce their impact on the environment.
•For Governments to show leadership on environmental issues.
Your support has made earth hour the largest global campaign in the history of the planet. There is no better example of the impact of collective human power and what we can achieve if we unite for a cause. It is time we take our actions forward, and commit to greater change.
Source- Earth Hour
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Climate Change- is there any solution?
Today, i posted few suggestions to tackle with Climate Change on Facebook discussion board of British Embassy, Guatemala City: 1. Artificial technologies will provide the temporary solution to decarbonise the environment and global warming. So this should be the primary duty of the world community to give preference to the afforestation and take necessary action to save the 'tropical rain forests' [world's most productive and carbon dioxide sinking zone]. Without forests, human survival is not possible; 2. The peoples participation movements can play very important role in decarbonising the environment and in lowering carbon footprinting. One such type of peoples participation movement is 'RED TAPE MOVEMENT' launched by me in Etawah [U.P., India], to make aware the people about the environment and to give the message that to cut the plants is harmful to the nature and biodiversity survival, by tying red tape on the trunks of existing trees. Such types of movements can change the current society into environment friendly society; 3. Just by changing our lifestyle we can bring a major change in decarbonising the world and can save billions of dollors which in turn can be utilised in R & D for climate technologies. So here is my suggestion that the "ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY LIFESTYLE" should be given the status of "compulsory fundamental duty" for every citizen. This minor change can bring a good change in decarbonising the environment; 4. The current problem of GLOBAL WARMING is the result of our past discovery of 'STEAM POWER' and 'FOSSIL FUELS' which resulted in to the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. At that time, the policy makers, scientists and engineers did not judge the fate and impact of that industrial revolution. Now, the current generation of flora and fauna are facing the survival problem due to harmful impact of GHGs. So it will be better to establish a 'WORLD COMMISSION FOR SCIENCE and DEVELOPMENT' to monitor and promote such discoveries which are environment friendly and have no harmful by-products. Our development should be scientifically approved and with environment friendly technologies; 5. One model has been developed by me is 'GREEN VILLAGE' model. In this model, atleast one member from every residence of the selected village do the tree plantation of atleast one tree and take care of it. In this way every residence of the village participate in the conservation of ecosystem and environment. In the future this will change into a big 'carbon sinking zone' and will be helpful in protecting our beautiful Earth from the detrimental effects of 'GLOBAL WARMING'; 6. N.G.Os. can play very important role in creating awareness about GLOBAL WARMING. They are pivotal in planning and project implementation. They can initiate awareness about key issues like carbon footprinting, afforestation, forests and biodiversity conservation through peoples participation. So Friends, Save ECOLOGY and Save FUTURE; it is in your hands.
[NOTE: My views are protected at "Act on Copenhagen" blog by Mr David Miliband, Former Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs U.K.]
[NOTE: My views are protected at "Act on Copenhagen" blog by Mr David Miliband, Former Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs U.K.]
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
घाट खुले, यमुना किनारे हुई सफाई
Read an important story-cum-news by just clicking the following part of the story below:
काम कितना ही कठिन क्यों न हो अगर संकल्प के साथ जुटकर किया जाये तो उसे पूरा होते देर नहीं लगती। यही हुआ कालिंदी व उसके किनारे स्थित घाटों की सफाई में। काम कठिन अवश्य था लेकिन नगर पालिका कर्मी जुटे और उन्हें जन सहयोग मिला तो अब स्थिति बदली है। यमुना के किनारे के सभी घाट मूल रूप में लौटे वहीं यमुना किनारे फैली गंदगी हटाकर पॉलीथिन मुक्त किया गया है।
[Source: जागरण]
Friday, January 21, 2011
Scientists Turning a Fungus into Fuel
Current biofuels are very different from fossil-derived fuels. Their use requires the modification of our current engines and infrastructure, which can be very costly. In addition, current biofuels are made from food sources.
At Yale, we study a fungus that grows on dead trees and makes compounds similar to gasoline. If we could understand how this fungus is able to produce these compounds, then we may be able to scale it up to be a cost-competitive source of biofuel. Read detail report here.
[Source: Armed with Science]
At Yale, we study a fungus that grows on dead trees and makes compounds similar to gasoline. If we could understand how this fungus is able to produce these compounds, then we may be able to scale it up to be a cost-competitive source of biofuel. Read detail report here.
[Source: Armed with Science]
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
सफाई के लिए चलाया गया श्रमदान अभियान खत्म- Clean Yamuna river
करीब दो दशक से गंदे पड़े यमुना के घाट अब साफ नजर आने लगे हैं। यह जिलाधिकारी जीएस प्रियदर्शी के निर्देश पर सहायक निदेशक बचत प्रभात मिश्र के नेतृत्व में नेहरू युवा केंद्र, नगर पालिका तथा स्वयंसेवी संस्थाओं द्वारा चलाये गये अभियान का परिणाम है।
अभियान के अंतिम दिन [dated 10/01/2011] सहायक निदेशक बचत श्री मिश्र के नेतृत्व में नेहरू युवा केंद्र तथा स्वामी विवेकानंद सेवा संस्थान के पदाधिकारियों ने यमुना घाट से पॉलीथिन हटाने का काम किया। इस दौरान सुनील सक्सेना, संजय सक्सेना, डा. आशीष दीक्षित, श्रवण कुमार, सुष्मित मिश्र, तारा, पूजा, अभिजीत यादव, नेहा वर्मा, नीलोफर, शमशुल निशा, वारसी, आजम वारसी, राहुल, संजीव कुमार, विवेक रंजन गुप्ता, सचिन शाक्य, शिवशरण सहित दर्जनों युवाओं ने पॉलीथिन हटाने का काम किया।
यमुना के घाटों की सफाई करने के इस अभियान में लगभग एक हजार किलो पॉलीथिन को नगर पालिका के कर्मचारियों तथा स्वयंसेवी संस्थाओं के प्रतिनिधियों ने हटाने का काम किया है। व्यापारी नेताओं ने भी सफाई अभियान में हिस्सा लिया और व्यापारियों से पॉलीथिन का प्रयोग न करने की अपील की।
Monday, January 3, 2011
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
India's Wetlands Rules 2010 Notified- dawn of new era.
New Delhi, 2nd December, 2010
The Ministry of Environment and Forests today notified the Wetlands (Con-servation and Management) Rules, 2010. These Rules, which for the first time lay down legally enforceable provisions for the conservation and management of Wetlands, have been drafted to ensure better conservation and management and to prevent further degradation of existing wetlands in India.
[Source: Ministry of Environment and Forests and Facebook wall of Dr. Manmohan Singh]
The Ministry of Environment and Forests today notified the Wetlands (Con-servation and Management) Rules, 2010. These Rules, which for the first time lay down legally enforceable provisions for the conservation and management of Wetlands, have been drafted to ensure better conservation and management and to prevent further degradation of existing wetlands in India.
[Source: Ministry of Environment and Forests and Facebook wall of Dr. Manmohan Singh]
Antarctic Treaty: 50 Years Later
On Dec. 1, 1959, after more than a year of secret negotiations, 12 nations signed a document that dedicated 10 percent of the Earth's surface — the continent of Antarctica — to peaceful activities.
The Antarctic Treaty, signed in Washington, D.C., 51 years ago, was drawn up in four languages — English, French, Spanish and, perhaps most surprising, Russian.
The treaty resulted in Antarctica remaining a relatively pristine area where scientists could study glaciers, the extreme environment and its unique biota.
[Source: ourAmazingplanet]
The Antarctic Treaty, signed in Washington, D.C., 51 years ago, was drawn up in four languages — English, French, Spanish and, perhaps most surprising, Russian.
The treaty resulted in Antarctica remaining a relatively pristine area where scientists could study glaciers, the extreme environment and its unique biota.
[Source: ourAmazingplanet]
Fates of coastal wetlands
Coastal wetlands around the world, including many on the U.S. Atlantic coast, could be more endangered by climate change and sea-level rise than previously thought, a new study suggests.
Coastal wetlands provide critical services such as absorbing energy from hurricanes and storms, preserving shorelines, protecting human populations and infrastructure, supporting commercial seafood harvests, absorbing pollutants and serving as critical habitat for migratory bird populations. These resources and services will be threatened as sea-level rise inundates wetlands.
[Source: ourAmazingplanet]
Coastal wetlands provide critical services such as absorbing energy from hurricanes and storms, preserving shorelines, protecting human populations and infrastructure, supporting commercial seafood harvests, absorbing pollutants and serving as critical habitat for migratory bird populations. These resources and services will be threatened as sea-level rise inundates wetlands.
[Source: ourAmazingplanet]
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Urge This Congress [U.S.A.] to Stop the Next Oil Disaster NOW
Targeting: The U.S. Senate and The U.S. House of Representatives
Sponsored by: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil explosion was the worst offshore oil disaster in U.S. history. It killed 11 people, at least 6,000 birds, 600 threatened or endangered sea turtles and countless other species.
It has decimated the local fishing industry. And its impacts will be felt for decades on beaches, national wildlife refuges and other sensitive ecosystems in states around the Gulf.
Despite the catastrophic impacts of this disaster, the Senate has so far failed to act to prevent the next awful oil disaster.
Big Oil clearly wants to delay action on this vital issue until the next Congress. They are counting on more pro-oil, anti-wildlife members to derail real reform and are counting on America forgetting the terrible tragedy that still afflicts the Gulf, its economy and its wildlife.
Time is running out for Congress to act. Urge your representative and senators to pass the Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Accountability Act before Congress adjourns for the year.
Please pass the Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Accountability Act this congress
As someone who is concerned about protecting wildlife and the safety of offshore oil drilling I strongly urge you to pass the Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Accountability Act this congress.
The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil explosion was the worst offshore oil disaster in U.S. history. It killed 11 people, at least 6,000 birds, 600 threatened or endangered sea turtles and countless other species.
[Your name]
[Source: e-mail sent to me by]
Giant Gamma-ray Bubbles Found Around Milky Way
Giant Gamma-ray Bubbles Found Around Milky Way. See the VIDEO by clicking here.
This picture changed the world
An E-mail from
Jamie Henn -
Fri, November 19, 2010 3:32:46 AM
Dear friends,
You probably know that we at are taking the next two weeks to focus on “350 EARTH” — a global art project visible from space.
And you might have asked yourself: “why art?”
Here’s a quick story that can help answer those questions:
42 years ago, astronaut William Anders raised his camera to the window of the Apollo 8 spacecraft and took one of the most iconic pictures of all time. "Earth Rise," as the photograph became known, was the first image that showed humans a wide-angle view of the fragile planet on which we live. The image was breathtaking:
Can't see the image above? Click here to view this email in a web browser.
It was a picture that woke up the world. Two years later, on April 22, 1970, tens of millions of people participated in the first Earth Day. Many of the posters and flags carried that day featured the "Earth Rise" image.
Today, we're in desperate need of an updated mix of art, activism, and political change. Scientists have produced all the charts, facts and figures we need to recognize the threat of climate change and understand its urgency. Economists have shown how to transition our countries towards low-carbon economies. Nonprofit organizations have rallied, lobbied, and pleaded for progress.
And yet, by all measures, we're still not making the progress we need. While it's growing day by day, our movement has a lot of work left to do. That's why it's time to bring in the artists.
So, this November 20-27 — the week before the UN climate meetings in Cancun–we’re organizing the first ever planetary art show: 350 EARTH. In more than a dozen locations around the planet, artists are partnering with citizens to create massive art installations around the theme of climate change, from its impacts (like a sea-level rise design in New York City) to its solutions (like a solar-powered design in South Africa). The latest addition to 350 EARTH comes from Thom Yorke, the lead singer of Radiohead, who has designed a gorgeous image of the legendary King Canute trying to stop a rising tide.
You can see a short list of featured locations at the bottom of this email, and if you know anyone living in these cities, please let them know about 350 EARTH.
Each image will be photographed by the satellite cameras, courtesy of DigitalGlobe’s generous donation of their satellite time to document the story. Since we can't get photos from a space ship, a satellite is the next best thing. founder Bill McKibben explains:
It’s kind of fun to imagine some other intelligence peering down through their telescopes at our blue-white orb, trying to make sense of these giant images suddenly spreading across snowfield and desert and lagoon. What they'd see is the planet's immune system coming alive–conscious, alert human beings doing their best to help safeguard the future.
Looking back on the "Earth Rise" image, Apollo 8 Commander Frank Borman said that it was "the most beautiful, heart-catching sight of my life, one that sent a torrent of nostalgia, of sheer homesickness, surging through me. It was the only thing in space that had any color to it. Everything else was simply black or white. But not the Earth."
We've mostly let climate change be debated in the black-and-white world of text and policy. 350 EARTH is different. For a week, we’ll work in color: with art, spirit, and passion.
I hope you’ll join us,
Jamie Henn – (@Agent350 on Twitter)
P.S. Moving into 2011, is gearing up for lots of strategic campaigns and mass mobilizations–much more on that soon, after 350 EARTH.
P.P.S. Here’s that list of cities that need more participants–if you know anyone who lives in them, please let them know about 350 EARTH and pass along the info below.
Australia (Broken Hill – Friday, November 26, 9pm & 11pm)
Canada (Vancouver – Sunday, 21 November, 9:30-11:30am)
Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo – 21 de noviembre, 8:30 AM)
Egypt (Cairo – Friday, 26 November)
England (Brighton – Exact Location TBA)
Iceland (Reykjavik – November 27)
Mexico (Mexico City/DF – Lunes, 22 de noviembre, 09:15 AM)
Spain (Platja de los Eucaliptus, Delta del Ebro – Sábado, 20 de noviembre, 11:00 AM)
South Africa (Cape Town, 10am, Saturday, 27 November)
USA (Los Angeles – SUNDAY, Nov. 21. Arrive at 9:30 AM / Santa Fe – Saturday, November 20th, 2010)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Parrotfish sleep in a mosquito net made of mucus
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Jordan first Arab country to mainstream gender in climate change policy
Water scarcity is one of the major challenges affecting the Arab region as a direct result of the impacts of climate change. Jordan was one of the first developing countries to respond to this challenge by signing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This is a Welcome step, must be followed by other countries too coz a woman is the mother of a good leader of the future. [Source: IUCN]
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Blobfish- world's most miserable-looking and ugliest animal? |
These sad-looking creatures, which grow up to lengths of 12 inches, live at depths of 900m. They spend most of their time gently floating around waiting for food to pass in front of them, which sounds like quite a nice life to us! Because they live so far from the sea surface they're not often seen by humans. However, increasing levels of deep-sea fishing in Australia and Tasmania for crab and lobster mean that the sulky sea-dwellers are being dragged up with other catches in increasing numbers. These gelatinous masses may not be much to look at, but the world would be a less interesting place without them, probably, so let's hope the Australians don't kill them off. [Source: METRO]
Researchers Find ‘Goldilocks’ Of DNA Self-Assembly
Researchers from North Carolina State University have found a way to optimize the development of DNA self-assembling materials, which hold promise for technologies ranging from drug delivery to molecular sensors. The key to the advance is the discovery of the “Goldilocks” length for DNA strands used in self-assembly – not too long, not too short, but just right.
The paper, “Effect of Oligonucleotide Length on the Assembly of DNA Materials: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Layer-by-Layer DNA Films,” was published online Oct. 12 by the journal Langmuir. Lead author of the paper is Abhishek Singh, a Ph.D. student at NC State.
The paper, “Effect of Oligonucleotide Length on the Assembly of DNA Materials: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Layer-by-Layer DNA Films,” was published online Oct. 12 by the journal Langmuir. Lead author of the paper is Abhishek Singh, a Ph.D. student at NC State.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Blog Action Day 2010 Wrap-Up
Following e-mail was sent to me from Ms Maria of Blog Action Day, 2010:
Blog Action Day 2010 Wrap-Up
"Maria, Blog Action Day 2010"
Hey Blog Action Day bloggers,
For over 24 hours this past Friday, all around the world, water was king. From river conservation to the water crisis in Africa, people couldn't stop talking about water. Even those who had never heard of Blog Action Day before joined, caught up in the energy and enthusiasm of the Blog Action Day community.
The final count for Blog Action Day stands at over 5,600 bloggers from 143 countries, reaching more than 40 million readers. It was a remarkable display of support for an issue that gets woefully little coverage in the mainstream media.
There were countless noteworthy posts among the thousands we read, and we wanted to highlight a small selection of these to demonstrate the breadth of topics covered by Blog Action Day bloggers – which ranged from data centers and water conservation to issues of gender equality and water contamination:
"I don't remember how old I was when I learned that water is not supposed to have a taste. I grew up in a town that was surrounded by oil refineries and heavy industry, basically learning that water that tasted like chemicals and metals was normal."
- Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green for All
"One of key areas where we can make a contribution [to conserving water] is through our data center operations. Every year, our data centers save hundreds of millions of gallons of drinking water simply by consuming 50% less electricity than the industry average for technology companies."
- The Official Google Blog
"Each day, millions of females begin their trek before sunrise to gather water of poor quality, lugging 75lb jugs back to their homes across rough terrain and jeopardizing their health in the process... Even something as simple as going to the bathroom can be risky for women whose homes lack toilets and must venture to a remote location, risking sexual and physical assault, because of inadequate sanitation infrastructure."
- NRDC Switchboard
"When I was nine, growing up in my native Bolivia, I paused one day from a particularly active game during recess to quench my thirst at the school tap. What I didn't know was that the water was contaminated. The price I paid for that innocent drink of water was a serious bout of Hepatitis and three months of missed school."
- Maria Otero, Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, on the State Department Blog
"The issues around water in 2010 concern scarcity, access, pollution and more. But it's not all grim. There are new opportunities for tech startups, engineers, investors and creative people to solve problems around the water crisis. Water and waste water technology is a hot market that could get hotter."
- TechCrunch
For a longer list of some of the most noteworthy posts from Blog Action Day, visit our homepage.
By being a part of Blog Action Day 2010, you helped focus the world's attention of the vital issue of water rights and water access. But this is just the beginning of a much larger process to create real change around water issues. Next year, keep an eye out for The World Walks for Water, organized in part by our Blog Action Day partner End Water Poverty. And, if you're interested in learning more, check out the water page of the Environment and Sustainable Food sections.
Thank you all for making Blog Action Day 2010 a huge success. We'll see you next year!
Maria & the Blog Action Day team
Saturday, October 23, 2010
United Nations Climate Change Conference Cancun
The sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP) and the sixth Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) will be held in Cancun, Mexico, from 29 November to 10 December 2010. [Source: UNFCCC]
Nine things you can do to help biodiversity
2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB) by the United Nations. The tenth global biodiversity conference [Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10)] is going on in Nagoya, Japan [18-29 October 2010] where 193 signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity are attending the Nagoya COP10 global biodiversity conference to agree new biodiversity targets for 2020. Nine things you can do to help biodiversity.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Clean Kanpur, Green Kanpur
Kanpur is the commercial capital of Uttar Pradesh and remains one of the oldest industrial townships of North India. There is a big problem of solid waste management in Kanpur. But, the recent pact between Ato Z company and Kanpur Nagar Nigam is going to open the door for Green and Clean Kanpur. In Kanpur, this will be Asia's largest integrated municipal solid waste management project. The main aim of the project is to utilise the garbage after segregation and recycling as organic fertiliser, concrete cement blocks and also to produce coal-like fuel which would help in generating electricity. This will produce power from solid waste [majority of the fuel used in the plant will be RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel), which is derived from solid waste; detail can be read at European Commission Final Report on RDF ] and will be India's first municipal solid waste power project. The power plant is scheduled to be operational by March 2011 and will have the capacity to produce 15MW of power. It is an initiative under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). Now, the company will collect approximately 1,500 metric tonnes solid wastes from home to home per day in the morning and will send it to the plant for management and power production; the garbage collection user charges for each household will be very nominal [between Rs. 30 to Rs. 50]. Although RDF have some pros as well as cons but these secondary fuels, commonly known as Energy from Waste (EFW), Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF), will considerably reduce the reliance on C02 producing fossil fuels like coke and will be helpful to provide green energy. This is also an EXCELLENT example of grass-root-level management of solid waste with the mutual co-operation of citizens, government and private sector. Within few months, Kanpur will be a GARBAGE-FREE CITY.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Animals too have Equal Right to Clean Water
Humans and other living beings are EQUAL parts of Ecosystem; so why humans should have more rights than other living beings. In summer season, many birds and animals get die due to lack of drinking water. Humans are self-centered so most of the rights to use natural resources are with humans. This resulted into biodiversity depletion due to unplanned urbanization-cum-industrialization and population explosion. Rest of the living beings are struggling on for the survival. In villages and forests, we are not giving importance to fill the dry ponds, lakes and other wetlands with water; animals and birds get die due to thirst. Today is Blog Action Day 2010; we should also write for the equal right to clean water to other living beings too. These animals survival is vital for our survival; they are balancing the ecosystems on Earth. Let's take oath that every human will provide equal opportunity to animals to drink and use pure water and will not pollute water bodies.
Clean Water- A Big Challenge
Since the advent of INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, the problem of CLEAN WATER and RELATED PROBLEMS get worsten. Unplanned URBANIZATION-cum-INDUSTRIALIZATION along with POPULATION EXPLOSION resulting into WATER POLLUTION, KILLING OF WATER BODIES, DEATHS OF AQUATIC FLORA and FAUNA, UNINHABITABLE RIVERS, DEATHS OF CHILDREN due to UNSAFE DRINKING WATER etc. Today, nearly ONE BILLION PEOPLE lack basic access to safe water. The problem of UNSAFE WATER is a MAN-MADE PROBLEM; so the solution must be developed by man. SAFE DRINKING WATER is the part of Millennium Development Goal under Target 7C ; the target under MDG 7C is- Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. On 28 July 2010, UN General Assembly declares access to clean water and sanitation as a human right.
We are facing a big problem of clean water in 21st Century; WE CAN BRING A MAJOR POSITIVE CHANGE by living ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY LIFE. New Urbanization and Industrialization must fulfill all the parameters of ENVIRONMENT AND WATER BODIES [ underground water, rivers, lakes, wetlands, oceans and glaciers] PROTECTION LAWS and ACTS; old cities and industries must adopt new technologies and infrastructure to treat sewage and pollutants and recycle these; there must be complete ban on release of sewage and industrial influents into water bodies. ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY LIFESTYLE and FAMILY PLANNING must be made a compulsory fundamental duty for every citizen. Blog Action Day 2010 has announced this year's topic as WATER, at the right time. Clean and Safe water is must for humans and other living beings survival and their right too; OUR FUTURE IS IN CLEAN WATER. Be helpful in achieving MDG target 7C and secure a bright future.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
e-mail From Blog Action Day 2010
Hello Prabhat Misra,
Thanks for joining Blog Action Day! Now that you've registered it's a pretty simple process. All you need to do is put up a post relating to the topic of water on October 15th and link to somewhere in your post.
Dear Colleague Letter Inviting RAPID Proposals for Analysis of Climate Model Simulations for the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report
Dear Colleagues:
The Climate and Large-scale Dynamics (CLD) program is accepting proposals for one-year projects to analyze climate model simulations of present-day climate prepared in anticipation of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5). Our objective in writing this letter is to increase community-wide diagnostic research into the behavior of the current generation of coupled climate and earth system models used for future climate simulations and initialized climate predictions. Research conducted in these projects is expected to lead to more detailed model intercomparisons, better understanding of robust model behaviors, and better understanding and quantification of uncertainty in future climate simulations..........
[Source of image- National Science Foundation]
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Who is responsible for the death of NAGESH, the Lion?
The death of a Lion NAGESH is shame for the humanity and environmentalists. Nagesh was not taking regular diet since 23rd September. Is this not the example of carelessness by the zoo administration? Who will return Nagesh to his partner Gauri? She is shocked. Is there any remedy for her? Everybody talk about human rights; why there are no enforcement of Animal Rights? Do animals have no rights to live equal to human facilities? Are zoo authorities are capable to provide complete protection to zoo animals or are just media to provide entertainment to humans through animals? Why there is no permanent and complete medical services in zoo? Questions are many but answers are LIMITED. Our zoos must provide complete safety to animals. Every animal has right to live equal to human. World community must frame the LIVING RIGHTS FOR WILD ANIMALS and BIRDS.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Red Tape Movement and 10:10:10

Respected friends, on 10/10/10, participate in "10:10:10 campaign" launched by 10:10 and, to urge governments, businesses, and individuals to cut their CO2 emissions 10% in 2010; on this special day we are going to participate in this with the help of local people and N.G.Os. of Etawah will tye red tapes on trees trunks through RED TAPE MOVEMENT and will give the message that to cut tree is dangerous for the survival of living beings on Earth; our ONE-MINUTE care of a tree will be helpful to save lives of many. We will also take oath that we will always promote afforestation and will live eco-friendly green life. The main theme of RED TAPE MOVEMENT will be, "SAVE TREES, SAVE BIODIVERSITY, SAVE FUTURE". So, kindly participate in this by tying RED-TAPE on a tree trunk and take oath to protect trees, ON Sunday 10, Oct, 2010 at your residential place at your own suitable day time. Thanks.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Green Candles
These candles do not emit black smoke when blown out, unlike candles made of synthetic wax. These are environment-friendly. Right now, bee-wax candles are used only in Europe during Christmas in churches. Bee-wax candles burn brighter than normal ones and molten wax does not flow down the candle stick. It is said that a burning beeswax candle emits negative ions which clean the air and invigorate the body. Beeswax candles are somewhat more expensive to make than other candles, but THESE ARE GREEN PRODUCTS. Thanks to Kashmir Apiaries Group for this environment-friendly green product.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Dry Water: a solution for global warming.
Dry Water is consist of 95% water and 5% nano-silica particles [ hydrophobic fumed silica ] and resembles a very fine powder (like icing sugar or flour) that has a slightly more liquid-like appearance; the silica coating prevents the water droplets from combining and turning back into a liquid. The result is a fine powder that can slurp up gases, which chemically combine with the water molecules to form a hydrate. Dry water was discovered in 1968 and got attention for its potential use in cosmetics. Scientists have reported at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston that "Dry Water" could provide a new way to absorb and store carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Professor Andrew Cooper[ pioneer scientist] and co-workers,University of Liverpool, found that dry water absorbed over three times as much carbon dioxide as ordinary, uncombined water and silica in the same space of time. This ability to absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide gas as a hydrate could make it useful in helping to reduce global warming. Dry water absorb much more methane, up to 180 volumes of methane per volume of dry water, than when it’s wet. This property will be helpful in absorbing Methane, a GHG, very fast and will convert it into energy efficient granules as a green energy for vehicles. This is an UNIQUE DISCOVERY by Prof. Cooper and co-workers and must be consider for Nobel Prize.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Jatropha: bane or boon?
Jatropha belongs to Euphorbiacea family. This is a potential source of bio-diesel [Jatropha curcas seeds]. India's total biodiesel requirement is projected to grow to 3.6 Million Metric Tons in 2011-12, with the positive performance of the domestic automobile industry. On 12 September 2008, the Indian Government announced its 'National Biofuel Policy'. It aims to meet 20% of India's diesel demand with fuel derived from plants. That will mean setting aside 140,000 square kilometres of land. Presently fuel yielding plants cover less than 5,000 square kilometers. The former President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam, is one of the strong advocaters of jatropha cultivation for production of bio-diesel. In January 2009, Time Magazine described the Jatropha as the potentially next big biofuel. The hardy Jatropha is resistant to drought and pests, and produces seeds containing 27-40% oil (average: 34.4%). The remaining press cake of jatropha seeds after oil extraction could also be considered for energy production. About 200 districts in 19 potential states have been identified on the basis of availability of wasteland, rural poverty ratio, below poverty line (BPL) census and agro-climatic conditions suitable for jatropha cultivation, by Centre for Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel (CJP). Jatropha has higher efficiency than other seeds oil, when compared with diesel.. Jatropha have also some medicinal importance as well as toxic. . Every part of Jatropha has some importance. In India, there are some research institutes and companies involved in Jatropha based biodiesel research and production. Even after all this, there are some problems before farmers; according to Hannah Smith of GBM, " Jatropha has low yields and uneconomical costs of production. What is more this crop needs a large amount of irrigation or rainfall and has a low performance in dry zones. Contrary to what has been stated, Jatropha is vulnerable to a significant number of pests and diseases. Jatropha should not be promoted among smallholder farmers as a monoculture or intercropped plantation crop […] We recommend [report of Jatropha Reality Check] that all stakeholders re-evaluate their activities promoting Jatropha among smallholder farmers”. Furthermore, the implementation of biofuel production may potentially have catastrophic consequences for local wildlife and indigenous communities these includes". Another problem is that there are no specific seeds collection centres and market for this. So promotion of Jatropha must be with industrial infrastructure.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
NASA - First-of-its-Kind Map Depicts Global Forest Heights
Using NASA satellite data, scientists have produced a first-of-its kind map that details the height of the world’s forests. Although there are other local- and regional-scale forest canopy maps, the new map is the first that spans the entire globe based on one uniform method.
NASA - First-of-its-Kind Map Depicts Global Forest Heights
NASA - First-of-its-Kind Map Depicts Global Forest Heights
Thursday, June 3, 2010
How to get budgets to fight with HIV/AIDS?
U.N. Secretary-General calls for African nations to invest 15% of national budgets to fight HIV/AIDS. This is an important idea to fight with the financial problem before HIV/AIDS affected countries, especially African nations. World Community must come forward to provide money for the purchase of HIV/AIDS drugs.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
International Year for Biodiversity.
Biodiversity is the term used to describe the incredible variety of life that has evolved on our planet over billions of years. So far 1.75m present day species have been recorded, but there maybe as many as 13m in total. Biodiversity is the variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome, or on the entire Earth. Biodiversity is often used as a measure of the health of biological systems. Ecosystems are consists of living beings and nonliving elements; the living beings include both plants and animals with microbial life. The living beings make biodiversity. But due to human activities many animals and plant species are on the verge of extinction. The United Nations declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity. It is a celebration of life on earth and of the value of biodiversity for our lives. The world is invited to take action in 2010 to safeguard the variety of life on earth: biodiversity. Every year 22nd May is celebrated as International day for biodiversity. So, it is our duty to give the EQUAL RIGHT TO LIVE ON THIS PLANET to all living beings. Lets celebrate!
Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists- BBC
Today's big news is artificial life in lab. Read this at BBC.COM.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Thanks respected Ambassadors.
I am happy to share the messages of two RESPECTED BRITISH AMBASSADORS about work done by me during EARTH HOUR; one message was sent by respected Ms Julie Chappell UK Ambassador to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador through e-mail and another was written in FCO blogs by respected Mr Leigh Turner, British Ambassador to Ukraine. Ms Julie e-mailed that, "I'm so pleased to know that Earth Hour went so well! We really appreciate your support" and Mr Turner written that,"I was interested to read on your blog about turning off 10,000 lights for Earth Day. Excellent result!". MANY MANY THANKS TO BOTH RESPECTED AMBASSADORS FOR APPRECIATION and also thanks to the Chairman of Bhogaon and residents of Bhogaon who co-operated me.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Message from Respected Madam Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Dear Friend,
I am thrilled to be writing to you during this season which is also the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. As you know it is also almost 40 years since the world gathered in Stockholm to discuss the state of what was then known as the Human Environment. So much has happened since and a lot of information has been accumulated. As a result we are no less concerned about the fate of our planet as we were then. Perhaps even more so.
Now we have new challenges, especially the issue of climate change and rapid loss of forests and other biodiversity.
As I write, I am in Europe where virtually the entire airspace was, until earlier this week, shut down due to the forces of mother nature. Such events remind us that we live on a very vulnerable and fragile environment and that we are only but a small part of it.
On this occasion of Earth Day, I send you greetings and best wishes. It is also appropriate for us to call ourselves to action wherever we are and whatever we are engaged in. Each one of us can make small changes in our lives to better the Earth. Together we can make a huge impact!
I am particularly reminded of the campaign to Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. I am working with partners in Japan to promote this concept globally. When expanded to include respect and gratitude, it is known as Mottainai. We all have a lot to be grateful for and we are deeply indebted to your support and encouragement.
At the Green Belt Movement, we continue to raise awareness, plant trees and protect those trees already standing.
We thank our partners in this journey and welcome our new friends to join in supporting our work.
With warmest regards,
Wangari Maathai
I am thrilled to be writing to you during this season which is also the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. As you know it is also almost 40 years since the world gathered in Stockholm to discuss the state of what was then known as the Human Environment. So much has happened since and a lot of information has been accumulated. As a result we are no less concerned about the fate of our planet as we were then. Perhaps even more so.
Now we have new challenges, especially the issue of climate change and rapid loss of forests and other biodiversity.
As I write, I am in Europe where virtually the entire airspace was, until earlier this week, shut down due to the forces of mother nature. Such events remind us that we live on a very vulnerable and fragile environment and that we are only but a small part of it.
On this occasion of Earth Day, I send you greetings and best wishes. It is also appropriate for us to call ourselves to action wherever we are and whatever we are engaged in. Each one of us can make small changes in our lives to better the Earth. Together we can make a huge impact!
I am particularly reminded of the campaign to Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. I am working with partners in Japan to promote this concept globally. When expanded to include respect and gratitude, it is known as Mottainai. We all have a lot to be grateful for and we are deeply indebted to your support and encouragement.
At the Green Belt Movement, we continue to raise awareness, plant trees and protect those trees already standing.
We thank our partners in this journey and welcome our new friends to join in supporting our work.
With warmest regards,
Wangari Maathai
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Nature loss 'to damage economies'
This is an eye-opening article. Please read this exclusive report.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
New Initiative by an Officer.

District Basic Education Officer of Etawah Mr. Mohammed Altaf has taken an environment friendly initiative. This is a welcome step and should be followed by all government departments. Thanks Mr. Altaf.
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour was a great success in Bhogaon municipality (Mainpuri) and Etawah municipality (Etawah). About 10000 houses switched-off in Bhogaon. Chairman, Bhogaon, Mrs. Uma Dixit and Youth Club NGO Head Dr. Manoj Dixit make this successful at Bhogaon, after taking useful instructions from me. I was inspired after reading the FCO Blog ( ) article on earth hour by Ambassador of U.K. in Guatemala Julie Chappel. Thanks madam for inspirational article and thanks to all who cooperated me.
Responsible Day
Today is a very responsible day i.e. EARTH HOUR. We should be environment friendly and our daily life should not pollute surrounding environment. Today every citizen must participate in EARTH HOUR and to switch-off the electricity between 8.30pm-9.30pm; this will be helpful to save planet from air pollution due to Thermal plants as well as make aware people about ecosystem and environment. One such attempt is going to be happen today in BHOGAON municipality of MAINPURI district of U.P.. So, you also participate in EARTH HOUR.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Earth Hour
On 27th March, there is EARTH HOUR DAY. This is an unique initiative by WWF. This initiative invites the whole world to turn off lights on Saturday 27 March for one hour, between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm local time. The objective of this activity is to raise awareness on climate change issues and take actions to win the battle against global warming.. So, support this battle against global warming for the cause of life on planet.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Use least paper, Save trees
Trees are sink of carbon di-oxide, the GHG, and source of oxygen, essential gas for life, on earth. Trees are very important natural gift before us to fight with CLIMATE CHANGE and GLOBAL WARMING. But the current intervention of man with nature is destroying environment. Atleast 17-24 trees have to felled to produce one tonne of papers [ Hindustan Times dt. 13-03-2010 ]. After Copenhagen Summit, we should give attention on development of environment friendly and natural way of life; this is must for the survival of life on earth. There have been few new and environment friendly advanced technologies available but these have their own pros and cons; these are not the complete alternate of trees. So being a responsible human being, do afforestation and protect your environment and biodiversity.
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